If you live on the West Coast, there’s a strong chance that you love In-N-Out.

Those burgers, those French fries, and oh, that secret menu—it’s the stuff of legends. Unfortunately, as someone in the Midwest, I don’t have any In-N-Out locations near me. After looking over the menu for this blog post (and hearing rave reviews from pretty much everyone) that really bums me out.

And while I never want to deter anyone from ordering a Double-Double or Animal Style fries, I think it’s important we dive into the nutrition facts to help you guys make informed decisions.

I’ve gone ahead and broken down the nutrition facts of the entire In-N-Out menu for you. But I’m not stopping there. I’m also giving you my top tips for making healthier choices without sacrificing flavor. Trust me, In-N-Out offers some solid customizations to do just that.

But wait, there’s more!

I’ve even included a handy nutrition calculator to help you customize your order and keep track of those macros. No longer will you need to do any math in your head.

So, fasten your seatbelts and put your trays in the upright position. We’re about to take a deep dive into the In-N-Out menu, and trust me, it’s going to be a delicious ride.

In-N-Out Healthiest Options

Let’s be real: When you’re craving In-N-Out, “healthy” might not be the first word that comes to mind. But hey, life’s all about balance, right?

Whether you’re counting macros, watching your calorie intake, or just trying to make a slightly better choice, I’ve got you covered. Below, I’m highlighting the best options for various dietary goals, from the lowest-calorie burger to the most protein-packed feast.

Lowest Calorie Burger

Winner: Hamburger w/Onion with mustard & ketchup instead of spread
310 Calories, 10g Fat, 41g Carbs, 16g Protein
If you’re counting calories, a simple hamburger is a great option. Swapping out the spread for mustard and ketchup shaves off a good chunk of calories (80, to be exact).

Highest Protein Menu Item

Winner: 4×4 (secret menu item)
1,230 Calories, 85g Fat, 39g Carbs, 79g Protein
If you’re all about that protein, the 4×4 contains by far the most protein…and the most calories. It’s not necessarily a “macro-friendly” option with almost 100 grams of fat and 1,200 calories, but it most certainly contains the most protein.

If you’re trying to gain weight and need the extra calories, or simply want to eat as much protein as possible, this is the way to do it. But if you want a lower-calorie option, let’s keep going…

Highest Protein Item Under 500 Calories

Winner: Double Meat with mustard & ketchup instead of spread
410 Calories, 16g Fat, 41g Carbs, 25g Protein
If you want to eat high-protein but don’t want to indulge in a burger with over 1,000 calories, a Double Meat burger is the way to go. This is simply a Double-Double without the American cheese, which ends up saving quite a bit of calories.

If you prefer the In-N-Out spread to ketchup and mustard, this burger will still come in just under 500 calories with 490 total.

Lowest Fat Item

Winner: Hamburger w/Onion with mustard & ketchup instead of spread
310 Calories, 10g Fat, 41g Carbs, 16g Protein
If you’re watching your fat intake, this burger with mustard and ketchup instead of the spread is your best bet. Most items at In-N-Out are on the higher fat side, but with just 10 grams of fat in a single burger, you could do much worse.

Lowest Carb Item(s)

Winner: Any Protein Style Burger

“Protein Style” at In-N-Out means swapping the bun out of lettuce, which is a go-to move for anyone on a keto or low-carb diet.
For example, a Protein Style hamburger has 240 Calories, 17g Fat, 11g Carbs, and 13g Protein. Ditching the bun is the quickest way to cut carbs, and it will drop roughly 33 grams of carbs from an sandwich.

Most Well-Rounded Nutrition

Winner: Cheeseburger w/Onion with mustard & ketchup instead of spread
400 Calories, 18g Fat, 41g Carbs, 22g Protein
If you want a macro-friendly or balanced option, a cheeseburger is a great option to go with. It offers a good mix of protein, carbs, and fats without going overboard on calories.

In-N-Out Full Menu Nutrition

While the In-N-Out menu is on the smaller side compared to other fast food restaurants like McDonald’s, it’s for good reason: they do burgers right.

And when your burgers speak for themselves, you really don’t need to overcomplicate your menu.

But have you ever wondered what exactly goes into that burger, nutritionally speaking? Well, wonder no more because today we’re breaking it down, layer by layer.

The In-N-Out menu contains a hamburger, cheeseburger, double-double, fries, and drinks. Not much, I know. But they also highlight their “not-so-secret” menu which contains a Double Meat, 3×3, 4×4, and grilled cheese.

I did my best to include every possible customization at In-N-Out. In fact, I went through and calculated the calories & macros for every individual component so you can build your own sandwich from scratch!

But before you go swapping out buns for lettuce or adding extra cheese, there are a few things you should know. First off, these are estimates. Even though the figures are close to the real deal, they’re not exact.

Why aren’t they exact? Fast-food chains like In-N-Out often round their nutrition facts to the nearest 5 or 10 units. Sure, it’s convenient, but it also means we lose a bit of accuracy.

Plus, let’s not forget that portion sizes can vary. One patty might be slightly thicker than another, or maybe, just maybe, you got a little extra sauce this time (score!).

Then there are the toppings. Onions, lettuce, and tomatoes don’t pack a ton of calories, but they still count, especially when we’re talking about grilled onion. So, while these estimates are a fantastic starting point, they’re not the be-all and end-all. But hey, they get you pretty darn close to understanding what’s fueling your In-N-Out cravings.

Don’t worry: the nutrition calculator below will handle all that tricky math for you.

And while I ran out of room on the handy infographic above, here are the nutrition facts for In-N-Out’s 15oz shakes:

Chocolate Shake: 580 Calories, 28g Fat, 84g Carbs, 10g Protein

Vanilla Shake: 570 Calories, 30g Fat, 65g Carbs, 10g Protein

Strawberry Shake: 590 Calories, 24g Fat, 114g Carbs, 8g Protein

In-N-Out Nutrition Calculator

Use the In-N-Out nutrition calculator below to find the nutrition facts for any In-N-Out order. Whether you want to select a regular menu item or build your own burger, the calculator has you covered.

5 Healthy Ordering Tips for In-N-Out

So you’re craving In-N-Out but still want to keep things on the healthier side? No worries—I’ve got you covered. While the calculator above will have all the choices for you, here are five simple tips to make your In-N-Out experience a bit more health-conscious.

  1. Swap the Sauce: The In-N-Out spread is delicious, but it’s also high in fat and calories. If you’re looking to cut back, consider swapping it out for mustard and ketchup. You’ll still get that tangy, sweet flavor but with fewer calories.
  2. Go Protein Style: If you’re watching your carbs, opt for the Protein Style option. Your burger will come wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun, saving you a good chunk of carbs and calories.
  3. Skip the Cheese: Cheese adds flavor, but it also adds calories and fat. If you’re okay with a simpler taste, consider going cheese-less. Trust me, the burger itself is flavorful enough!
  4. Mind the Fries: French fries are a classic side, but they’re also a calorie bomb. If you’re really watching your intake, maybe skip them altogether or share with a friend. If you absolutely can’t resist, try to avoid the Animal Style Fries—they’re loaded with extra calories from the cheese and sauce.
  5. Be Smart with Shakes: If you’re craving something sweet, remember that the shakes are high in both calories and sugar (about 600 calories each). If you need something sweet, the hot cocoa could be a great addition to your meal with only 130 calories.

Remember, “healthy” is subjective and these are just guidelines. The most important thing is to enjoy your meal while making choices that align with your personal goals!

Is In-N-Out Healthy?

Ah, the million-dollar question: Is In-N-Out actually healthy? Well, let’s get one thing straight—what’s “healthy” is super subjective and varies from person to person.

But In-N-Out can absolutely fit into a variety of diets if you know what (and how) to order.

First off, let’s talk about the food quality, since I didn’t touch on that in this post. In-N-Out takes their commitment to quality seriously.

According to their site, they use fresh, 100% USDA ground chuck for their patties—free of additives, fillers, and preservatives. They even have their own patty-making facilities to ensure top-notch quality and freshness. And it doesn’t stop at the burgers. All their ingredients are delivered fresh.

No microwaves, no freezers. Even their fries are cut in-store from fresh potatoes and cooked in 100% sunflower oil. So, in terms of ingredient quality, they’re quite solid.

Now, it’s still fast food, and it’s still a treat. But if you’re mindful of what you’re ordering, you can definitely make it work.

Whether you’re going low-cal, high-protein, or low-carb, there’s an option for you. And let’s not forget those little tweaks and customizations that can make all the difference.

So, is In-N-Out healthy? It can be, depending on how you order. It’s all about making choices that align with your personal health goals.

And hey, sometimes that goal is just to enjoy a really good burger, and that’s perfectly okay too.

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