If you’re searching for the perfect Dutch Bros drink to order based on your specific calorie or macro goals, you are in the right place!
I’m one of the unlucky ones in the United States who does not live near a Dutch Bros coffee shop, which is a real shame. After putting this guide together, I realize how diverse and customizable the Dutch Bros menu is, and I wish I could run out and grab some coffee.
I’ll just stick with Starbucks or Dunkin in the meantime.
Since you’re reading this post, I’m going to go out on a limb and assume that you have access to Dutch Bros Coffee, so I’m here to help you!
Whether you’re searching for a low-calorie Dutch Bros coffee, some macro-friendly Dutch Bros orders, or just curious to learn how many calories are in each drink, I’m going to break it all down for you.
Is Dutch Bros Healthy?

I never like to say whether or not something is “healthy” because we all define that word differently.
Instead, my goal with this post is to break down all of the drinks that Dutch Bros has to offer, look at their calories and macros, and help you make an informed decision based on your preferences.
But before we dive into the full Dutch Bros menu, there are a few notes I share regrading Dutch Bros drinks:
- Every drink on the menu can be customized to your liking. I’ll list all of the menu items as-is, but we will also look at various substitution possibilities.
- A Dutch Frost is a milkshake, and a Dutch Freeze is a blended coffee drink, so if you’re concerned about caffeine in frozen drinks, you’ll want to stick with a Dutch Frost. However, I am not touching on caffeine specifically in this breakdown.
- Dutch Bros customer service can calculate specific nutrition facts for you. I was surprised to learn that if you contact Dutch Bros, they will calculate the nutrition facts for any drink with the substitutions you’d like (you just have to be willing to wait a few days for a response). This is definitely the best way to receive the most accurate macros!
- When we get into the nitro cold brew, keep in mind that Dutch Bros serves these drinks in medium cups unless requested otherwise. For more, scroll down to the “medium cold drinks” section.
All-in-all, when you’re ordering coffee, it’s truly as healthy as you’d like to make it. The good news here is that if you need a lower-sugar option, there are plenty of ways to adjust your order to fit those needs.
Yes, some drinks are very high in calories in sugar (as you’ll soon see) but that doesn’t always need to be the case.
Does Dutch Bros have Sugar-Free Drinks?

You’ll be happy to know that Dutch Bros has plenty of sugar-free drink options!
Whether you’re looking for keto coffee options, a low-calorie option, or simply want to consume less sugar overall, most drinks can be customized sugar-free syrups.
Since Dutch Bros doesn’t have every flavor of sugar-free syrup available, not every drink will work as a sugar-free option. But here are the current sugar-free syrup options at Dutch Bros:
- White Chocolate
- Chocolate
- Caramel
- Vanilla
- Chocolate Macadamia Nut
- Hazelnut
- Irish Cream
- Coconut
- Raspberry
- Peach
- Strawberry
As you can see by this list, there are tons of options available.
Dutch Bros. Coffee uses Torani syrups, which contain 0 calories. The regular flavor syrup contains 70-100 calories per ounce, so that can end up making a big difference in your low-carb drinks.
While you can certainly create your own coffee drink based on your tastes, you can also order any of the “classic” menu drinks as sugar-free options. These drinks include the Kicker, 911, Annihilator, Caramelizer, Cocomo, White Mocha, Double Chocolate Mocha, Double Torture, and Golden Eagle.
It’s important to note that substituting sugar free flavors does not always make the drink sugar-free.
For example, let’s look at the Caramelizer. This is a caramel mocha drink made with espresso, chocolate milk, caramel sauce, and whipped cream.
While you can ask for sugar-free caramel sauce and leave out the whipped cream, the chocolate milk will still contain sugar. To turn this into a keto-friendly, low-sugar option, you’ll need to substitute the chocolate milk for almond or coconut milk and some sugar-free chocolate syrup instead.
When it comes to dairy alternatives, Dutch Bros offers almond milk, oat milk, soy milk, and coconut milk. If you want to stick with dairy, but want fewer calories or sugar than half & half or chocolate milk, Dutch Bros also offers non-fat milk and 2% milk.
If low-sugar or low-calorie is the goal, there are plenty of solutions at Dutch Bros, but it may just take a little bit of creativity.
Calories in Dutch Bros Small Hot Drinks

Starting off with hot drinks, Dutch Bros offers a wider variety of hot beverages. Not included in this graphic are the teas, but according to the Dutch Bros website, all flavored hot tea had 80-90 calories per drink regardless of the size.
When it comes to hot coffee, every drink will either begin as espresso (listed as an Americano above) or cold brew. At Dutch Bros, nitro cold brew is also an option!
Naturally, the Americano and black cold brew have the fewest calories, but here are the calorie counts for the rest of the small hot coffee drinks:
No Sugar Added Pumpkin Pie Latte (Seasonal): 170 Calories
White Mocha Cold Brew: 180 Calories
Toasted Caramelizer Cold Brew: 210 Calories
Double Torture: 340 Calories
9-1-1: 370 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Latte With Soft Top (Seasonal): 380 Calories
Cocomo: 400 Calories
Annihilator: 420 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 330 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 360 Calories
Caramelizer: 450 Calories
Kicker: 460 Calories
Double Chocolate: 460 Calories
Vanilla Dutch Cocoa: 440 Calories
White Chocolate Dutch Cocoa: 470 Calories
Golden Eagle: 480 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 500 Calories
Caramel Dutch Cocoa: 500 Calories
For non-coffee drinkers, there are plenty of chai tea and hot cocoa options as well!
The lowest calorie non-coffee small drink you’ll find at Dutch Bros is the vanilla chai tea with 330 calories, while the highest calorie drinks are the Caramel Dutch Cocoa and Golden Eagle Chai with 500 calories.
Note that all small hot drinks are served in 12oz cups.
Calories in Dutch Bros Medium Hot Drinks

If I’m ordering coffee, I’m almost always ordering a medium. The 16oz serving size is the perfect size for me to get my caffeine fix without feeling overly full.
If you’re looking for a medium hot coffee, here’s how the calories break down:
White Mocha Cold Brew: 180 Calories
Toasted Caramelizer Cold Brew: 210 Calories
No Sugar Added Pumpkin Pie Latte (Seasonal): 240 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 410 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Latte With Soft Top (Seasonal): 450 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 440 Calories
Double Torture: 460 Calories
Cocomo: 540 Calories
Annihilator: 560 Calories
Vanilla Dutch Cocoa: 560 Calories
Double Chocolate Dutch Cocoa: 580 Calories
White Chocolate Dutch Cocoa: 590 Calories
Caramelizer: 590 Calories
9-1-1: 510 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 620 Calories
Caramel Dutch Cocoa: 620 Calories
Golden Eagle: 620 Calories
Kicker: 620 Calories
Clearly the cold brew options are the lowest calorie options here, with the rest of the hot coffee beverages really ramping up the calories with nearly 500+ calories across the board.
The lowest calorie non-coffee medium drink you’ll find at Dutch Bros is the vanilla chai tea with 410 calories, while the highest calorie option is the Caramel Dutch Cocoa or Golden Eagle Chai Tea with 620 calories.
Calories in Dutch Bros Large Hot Drinks

If you really need a caffeine boost, a large coffee is the way to go. According to Caffeine Informer, a large coffee from Dutch Bros (a 20z cup) contains almost 200mg of caffeine. While that may seem high to you, it’s actually significantly lower than most drinks you’ll find at Dunkin or Starbucks.
Here’s how the calories shake out for large hot coffee drinks at Dutch Bros:
White Mocha Cold Brew: 190 Calories
Toasted Caramelizer Cold Brew: 220 Calories
No Sugar Added Pumpkin Pie Latte (Seasonal): 290 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Latte With Soft Top (Seasonal): 490 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 520 Calories
Double Torture: 530 Calories
Cocomo: 630 Calories
Annihilator: 640 Calories
9-1-1: 650 Calories
Caramelizer: 680 Calories
Vanilla Dutch Cocoa: 680 Calories
Kicker: 720 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 730 Calories
Double Chocolate Dutch Cocoa: 700 Calories
White Chocolate Dutch Cocoa: 710 Calories
Golden Eagle: 700 Calories
Caramel Dutch Cocoa: 740 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 890 Calories
If you are curious as to why the cold brew drinks contain significantly fewer calories than other drinks, I have the answers you seek!
Let’s compare the Cold Brew Caramelizer vs the Classic Caramelizer since there is a nearly 400 calorie difference.
The Cold Brew Caramelizer drink is cold brew coffee with caramel sauce and chocolate milk mixed in. In other words, it’s a rather simple coffee drink.
The Classic Caramelizer is a mocha beverage, which mixes a shot of espresso with larger amounts of milk and syrup.
As the size of the cup gets larger, the mocha beverage has more milk and syrup added, but the amount of coffee remains the same, resulting in extra calories and much more grams of sugar. With cold brew, you are getting more coffee in your cup instead of just the mix-ins.
Hopefully that helps you understand the major discrepancy in the calories! If you want a low-calorie drink you’ll want to stick with the cold brew drinks.
Calories in Dutch Bros Small Iced Drinks

Overall, small cold drinks at Dutch Bros contain fewer calories than small hot drinks (for the most part). We can likely chalk this up to the addition of ice, which takes up quite a bit of room within the 16oz cup itself.
For this guide, we’re looking at cold brew coffee, nitro cold brew, and iced chai beverages. Dutch Bros also offers iced black tea and even soda, but we’re going to stick with just what you see above.
Don’t worry, the Dutch Bros site has plenty of info on the additional drinks if needed.
Here’s how the small cold coffee drinks compare (not including black coffee):
No Sugar Added Pumpkin Latte (Seasonal): 100 Calories
Caramelizer Nitro Cold Brew*: 220 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Cold Brew (Seasonal): 220 Calories
Double Torture: 240 Calories
9-1-1: 250 Calories
White Mocha Cold Brew: 270 Calories
Annihilator Nitro Cold Brew*: 270 Calories
Cocomo: 280 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 280 Calories
Kicker Nitro Cold Brew*: 290 Calories
Kicker: 290 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Cold Brew With Soft Top (Seasonal): 290 Calories
Caramelizer Cold Brew: 300 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 310 Calories
Annihilator: 330 Calories
Caramelizer: 330 Calories
Golden Eagle: 340 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 410 Calories
*Nitro cold brew is only available as a medium
Calories in Dutch Bros Medium Iced Drinks

Medium iced drinks at Dutch Bros are served in 24oz cups, and this is the most common size.
If you order any nitro cold brew beverages, they are going to be served in a medium cup. I reached out to Dutch Bros customer service to find out why only medium is listed on the website, and this is the response I received:
Nitro Cold Brew over ice is served in the medium cup unless requested otherwise. If you request a larger size we will need to open another can and there will be an additional charge. Please note our cold drinks are made with room for the ice so if we have to open a new can you may be asked if you would like the remaining amount in the second can.
– Dutch Bros Customer Service
That is why the nutrition facts are only listed for medium nitro beverages, but in terms of calories and macros, ordering a large will look very similar!
Pumpkin Pie Latte (No Sugar Added): 170 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Cold Brew With Soft Top: 230 Calories
Caramelizer Nitro* (medium only): 220 Calories
White Mocha Cold Brew: 280 Calories
9-1-1: 370 Calories
Double Torture: 360 Calories
Caramelizer Cold Brew: 310 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 310 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 350 Calories
Kicker: 430 Calories
Annihilator: 420 Calories
Cocomo: 420 Calories
Annihilator Nitro: 270 Calories
Golden Eagle: 480 Calories
Caramelizer: 470 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 520 Calories
Calories in Dutch Bros Large Iced Drinks

Last but not least, we have the 32oz large iced drinks from Dutch Bros. If you need a boost to start your day, this is the menu you’re likely going to be using.
If calories are a concern for you, cold brew or nitro drinks are definitely the way to go here. If you go with a classic iced coffee drink, you’ll be consuming an extra 200-300 calories depending on the drink. That’s not to say they are bad, but it’s something to keep in mind.
Caramelizer Nitro Cold Brew* (Medium Only): 220 Calories
Annihilator Nitro Cold Brew* (Medium Only): 270 Calories
Kicker Nitro Cold Brew* (Medium Only): 290 Calories
White Mocha Cold Brew: 280 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Latte (No Sugar Added): 220 Calories
Pumpkin Pie Cold Brew With Soft Top: 330 Calories
Caramelizer Cold Brew: 310 Calories
9-1-1: 510 Calories
Annihilator: 500 Calories
Cocomo: 510 Calories
Kicker: 510 Calories
Caramelizer: 560 Calories
Golden Eagle: 560 Calories
Double Torture: 450 Calories
Vanilla Chai: 450 Calories
White Chocolate Chai Latte: 480 Calories
Golden Eagle Chai: 650 Calories
Calories in Dutch Bros Small Blended Drinks

Much like Starbucks offers Frappuccinos, did you know that Dutch Bros. offers many of their drinks as “blended” options? While not every coffee is available frozen, all of the Dutch Classic drinks are.
Ordering a drink frozen is going to come with much higher calories than its hot or iced counterparts because when you blend everything together, you have a lot more goodness packed into one cup.
Curious about which blended options are the lowest in calories? Here’s your breakdown for small blended drinks:
Rebel Energy Drinks* (Available in different flavors) – 260 Calories
Blended Lemonade* (Available in different flavors) – 330 Calories
Strawberry Smoothie – 350 Calories
Mango Smoothie – 410 Calories
Snickerdoodle Dutch Frost – 440 Calories
Green Apple Smoothie – 410 Calories
Strawberry Dutch Frost – 460 Calories
Cocomo – 510 Calories
Kicker – 510 Calories
Annihilator – 520 Calories
White Choc. Dutch Frost – 520 Calories
Double Torture – 470 Calories
Peach Smoothie – 470 Calories
Cotton Candy Dutch Frost – 500 Calories
Ninja Dutch Frost – 500 Calories
Caramelizer – 560 Calories
Picture Perfect – 570 Calories
9-1-1 – 540 Calories
Golden Eagle – 580 Calories
Calories in Dutch Bros Medium Blended Drinks

Need a bit more than a small? The medium blended Dutch Bros drinks have a lot to offer, but here is where the calories really begin to separate.
You’ll see the calories jump from around 400 in a Rebel Energy, all the way up to nearly 800 in the Golden Eagle Dutch Freeze, so clearly, all blended drinks are not created equally.
Rebel Energy Drinks* (Available in different flavors) – 410 Calories
Blended Lemonade* (Available in different flavors) – 470 Calories
Strawberry Smoothie – 500 Calories
Green Apple Smoothie – 590 Calories
Mango Smoothie – 590 Calories
Snickerdoodle Dutch Frost – 660 Calories
Strawberry Dutch Frost – 670 Calories
Double Torture – 670 Calories
Peach Smoothie – 680 Calories
Annihilator – 720 Calories
Cotton Candy Dutch Frost – 730 Calories
Ninja Dutch Frost – 730 Calories
Kicker – 730 Calories
Cocomo – 730 Calories
White Choc. Dutch Frost – 760 Calories
9-1-1 – 760 Calories
Picture Perfect – 770 Calories
Caramelizer – 780 Calories
Golden Eagle – 780 Calories
Calories in Dutch Bros Medium Blended Drinks

In need of a whopping 32 oz frozen drink? We’ve got ya covered!
Many of these options are going to come with upwards of 1,000 calories, so they’re not exactly the most “macro-friendly” drinks out there. But hey, I’m not here to judge! If you want to enjoy a drink with 1,000 calories, go for it!
But if calories are a concern for you, definitely be mindful of the discrepancies between these drinks…
Rebel Energy Drinks* (Available in different flavors) – 570 Calories
Blended Lemonade* (Available in different flavors) – 610 Calories
Strawberry Smoothie – 660 Calories
Green Apple Smoothie – 780 Calories
Mango Smoothie – 780 Calories
Double Torture – 880 Calories
Snickerdoodle Dutch Frost – 890 Calories
Strawberry Dutch Frost – 890 Calories
Peach Smoothie – 900 Calories
Annihilator – 930 Calories
Kicker – 940 Calories
Cocomo – 940 Calories
Cotton Candy Dutch Frost – 950 Calories
Ninja Dutch Frost – 970 Calories
Picture Perfect – 970 Calories
9-1-1 – 980 Calories
Caramelizer – 990 Calories
Golden Eagle – 1,000 Calories
White Choc. Dutch Frost – 1,000 Calories
Macro-Friendly Dutch Bros Drink Ideas
In this post, we explored the Dutch Bros menu and broke down the calories and macronutrients of every drink on the menu. However, we only looked at the drinks as listed.
Because of that, you may not find many of the options particularly macro-friendly.
Luckily for us, there are tons of customization options available at Dutch Bros, so we can easily crate our own macro-friendly Dutch Bros drinks!
Here are 5 ideas to get you started, along with estimated calories and macros for each drink. The exact nutrition facts are not available for customized drinks, but we can easily get a rough estimate based on the ingredients.
There are countless drink ideas you can order at Dutch Bros if you’re willing to get a little creative. Scroll up to the top of this post for a list of all the sugar-free syrup options at Dutch Bros and come up with your own macro-friendly coffee!
And this should go without saying, but I’m not listing black coffee here as it is clearly the lowest calorie drink at Dutch Bros. But we want some fun options here.
1. Caramel Mocha Cold Brew

Estimated Calories: 20
How to order:
- Order an iced or toasted (hot) medium Caramelizer Cold Brew
- Ask for sugar-free caramel sauce
- Substitute the chocolate milk for almond milk
- Add sugar-free chocolate sauce (one scoop)
If you order this drink, sugar-free sauce will contribute 0 calories in total. The only calories will come from the almond milk, which will be a very small amount!
2. Irish Cream Breve

Estimated Calories: 40
How to order:
- Order a hot or iced medium Kicker
- Ask for sugar-free Irish cream syrup
- Swap the half & half for almond milk
A breve is very similar to a latte in the sense that it is mostly made up of milk, so the calories from the half & half in a traditional breve can really add up.
For this drink, we’ll swap the half and half for almond milk to save a ton of calories, along with asking for sugar-free syrup.
3. Nutella Cold Brew

Estimated Calories: 10
How to order:
- Order a medium cold brew
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free chocolate macadamia nut
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free hazelnut
- Ask for a splash of almond milk
- Ask for a chocolate sauce drizzle
We’re going off-menu for this Nutella cold brew! By customizing this cold brew with sugar-free syrup options, we can create the flavor of Nutella with hardly any calories. The only calories in this drink will come from the splash of milk.
4. Strawberries & Cream Breve

Estimated Calories: 40
How to order:
- Order a medium breve
- Ask for almond milk instead of half & half
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free strawberry syrup
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free vanilla syrup
Strawberries & cream is one of my favorite flavor combos out there. And while it might sound strange to order strawberry coffee, it actually works very well! Who knows, this may just become the best iced coffee drink you’ve ever tried.
5. Candy Cane Nitro Cold Brew

Estimated Calories: 20
How to order:
- Order a medium nitro cold brew
- Ask for almond milk
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free white chocolate
- Ask for one scoop of sugar-free peppermint syrup (when available)
This is a seasonal option, but peppermint fans won’t want to miss this one! When sugar-free peppermint syrup is available at the end of the year, this is a great combo.
Personally, I’m not a peppermint fan, but the combo of peppermint and white chocolate here will turn your coffee into a Hershey’s Candy Cane Bar.
If peppermint is not available (depending on when you’re reading this), you can swap it out for sugar-free caramel sauce instead. The combination of white chocolate and caramel is always a winner!
And like the other drinks listed here, the only calories are coming from a small amount of almond milk.
Conclusion: What Are The Healthiest Dutch Bros Drinks?
Dutch Bros. Coffee has tons of healthy options that are sure to satisfy any coffee lover. With countless substitutions available, you can turn virtually any drink into a macro-friendly option without sacrificing the great taste.
If you want to order as-is from the menu, an Americano or Cold Brew will be the lowest calorie options available to you.
For flavored drinks, Cold Brew or Nitro Cold Brew beverages are all generally lower calorie than any Breve options. However, you can easily bring the calories down on any breve coffee by swapping out sugar-free syrup or swapping the dairy for a different kind of milk.
At the end of the day, Dutch Bros can cater to your exact dietary needs. Whether you’re on a diet and looking for low calorie drinks, you follow a keto lifestyle and need something low carb, or you just want to watch your overall sugar consumption, Dutch Bros has tons of options available to you.